Andy Ditchburn, our Creative Director, put together a new fearless team of 6 Perro colleagues and friends to tackle the Quest.
Kielder Quest 2018 was comprised of 8 team challenges over the course of 2 days. These challenges were not just physical they also required a lot of brain work.
On the second day there were 6 main challenges. Most of the challenges had a disability incorporated in them, as Calvert Trust Kielder is a Charity which helps disabled people and their families.
Briefly the challenges were;
1 – Getting a ping pong sized ball around a course with only 4 drainpipes. This involved the team of 6 to run around the course to make sure the ball gets into the bin at the other side without it falling on the way. The team with the quickest time won the challenge.
2 – Archery, each member of the team took their turn shooting at the target. The team who obtained the highest amount of points won.
3 – Building a raft with pieces of equipment (see pictures) and putting members of our team in the raft over a swimming pool, hopefully getting them to the other side.
4 – This challenge involved 4 members of our team to climb to the top of a pole and do a mystery challenge at the top of it. The space at the top was minimal making this a partially difficult challenge… Nothing too difficult for our team though!
5 – After lunch our next challenge was to run around a course twice carrying two logs and a tire with two pieces of rope. Out of all the challenges this was the most physically taxing one.
6 – Our final challenge involved the low ropes course, where members of the team would go in pairs and take a cup of water around the course with them. The team that collected the most amount of water at the end won.
After the 6 challenges all teams participated in a fierce game of poo-sticks and then it was time to get refreshed and fed with some delicious curry!
Rachel, Designer at Perro commented “I really enjoyed the Kielder Quest experience! It was a fun filled day from start to finish and it was really great to take part in such exhilarating / stimulating challenges. The atmosphere at Kielder was positive and friendly! Everyone who arranged the event did a fantastic job”
This years Quest has helped Calvert Trust Kielder raise over £5,000 which will help them continue to do their incredible work helping disabled people and their families benefit from a life changing experience at the centre.
Everyone who took part in the well organised Quest will not forget the memories they made and will defiantly have some fun stories to tell about their experience!
The next Kielder Quest will take place 14-15 February 2019! If you like the sound of the Quest call – 01434 250232 to find out more and book your place!
The pictures below were took by Angela Carrington – The Bigger Picture