Taking its name from the most easterly field, nestled into the sand dunes on the Buston farm, SeaBanks is already an award-winning British artisan rapeseed oil. It’s also a healthy oil! SeaBanks has half the saturated fat of olive oil, coconut oil or sunflower oil.
Initially, Perro created a logo using a rough, distorted font to reflect the natural, rural coastal setting. Packaging for 100ml, 250ml and 5L ‘original’ oil was designed and produced to support the product launch. The packaging includes illustrations of the canola leaf. Packaging was also created for a ‘lemon-infused’ variant.
Additional illustrations and photography were commissioned for the website, which Perro designed and developed using the WordPress content management system. As well as sharing the brand ethos and story, the website also includes a recipe section and an online shop where consumers to purchase products directly.
Perro is supporting SeaBanks throughout 2023 with several new product development projects. We’re creating brand extensions and packaging for several new ranges.
Find out more about SeaBanks, and purchase online here